
Developer's thoughts

HyphenatePipe - the appendix


One of my latest posts was about hyphenation (valid in the grammatical sense splitting the words in syllables). The goal there was acheived by implementing custom pipe, so the HyphenatePipe class. I decided to create a small appendix to that post, because the implementation provided there has some lacks. Keep calm, it’s not a critical thing, but you can be frustrated when you’ll find it by yourself ;) So what’s actually going on?

TLDR; An operation of creating the pipe from previous post is time- and memory-consuming. Using this util intensively means Angular (potentially) repeats this expensive operation, completely unnecessary. The provided implementation needs to be modified in such way, that creating a new instance of HyphenatePipe will consume less resources.

How the pipe utility in Angular actually works?

As you can read in the official docs, we can distinguish two types of pipes in Angular:

The problem definition

The pipe I described (HyphenatePipe) is pure, but it’s easy to overlook one fact. Using pipes inside the children components (even if they are part of the same view in the application, and the pipes are pure) will cause creating the separate instances of pipe. Each of them will handle a single use in the view. Why it’s so important? In order to understand this, you need to think…

What actually does the constructor of HyphenatePipe?

It creates a new instance of Hypher class (the hyphenator field). This operation requires importing the proper language pattern for splitting the words and also parsing it. In the case of german language, the pattern is quite big (about 70kB of data), in general they can be from few to almost 100kB. Combining it with creating a new HyphenatePipe instance for every usage of “… | hyphenate” construction delays the loading of an application :/

Unfortunately, it’s so visible, that this problem was the major factor responsible for long loading times of my application. In my case the pipe was created 8 times in the homepage, every time loading and parsing the language pattern file.

HyphenatePipe problem solving

The proper solution is of course to import the language pattern only once. We can acheive that by extracting the operation of creating Hypher class object into a dedicated service. In our case it will be named HyphenationPatternsService. An implementation is fairly easy, I can post it in one piece of code:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as Hypher from 'hypher';
import * as german from '';

export class HyphenationPatternsService {
  private hyphenator: Hypher = null;

  constructor() {
    this.hyphenator = new Hypher(german);

  public hyphenate(word: string) {
    return this.hyphenator.hyphenate(word);

At the end, we have to inject this service into the HyphenatePipe class:

constructor(private hyphenationService: HyphenationPatternsService) { }

From now, creating new instances of HyphenatePipe is very fast and doesn’t affect visibly loading times of an application. The language pattern is always loaded and parsed only once. Good job!