
Developer's thoughts

Keyboard Navigator: Navigation between links


After around a month since the last post about Keyboard Navigator, I want to share a little update with you. I had few free evenings to work on it and here’s the summary what I achieved during that time.

There were 2 pull requests I merged:

Now I want to shortly describe these changes and present the results to you :)

The whole code in contentScript.js was divided into 3 modules (still in the meaning of the JS module pattern):

The highlightsModule disappeared, and its functions are now a part of domHighlightModule. Why did I decide on such code splitting?

By adding a functionality of navigating between highlights, it made sense to group such logic together. What I have in mind is finding nearest highlights from the given one and selecting the central highlight on the page (which is a starting point when user turns the extension on).


Here lie all operations working on DOM tree, like creating highlights, changing background when given highlight is selected by the user, showing and hiding highlights on the page.


This is the main module for the extension - it keeps the whole state, like the highlights array, selected highlight, state of the highlights (visible/hidden). It initializes the extension by creating event listeners on keydown events and calling proper functions from both navigatorModule and domHighlightModule.

Selecting input elements and handling Escape presses

I started using the extension after merging the changes described above, but after then realized few problems with it:

The next PR was just to address these issues.

Some elements like <select>, <textarea> and <input> are now recognized as clickable, so they receive their highlights when extension is on. Also, for all such elements (except some types of <input>), the extension simulates the focus event when pressing Enter, not click. This is because emitting focus on them enables us to start typing text immediately after pressing Enter!

Also, the new one event listener was added - now the extension listens to Escape keydown and hides immediately all highlights on the page (if visible).

Video presentation!

What needs improvement?

When I’m developing this extension, I have more and more topics in my head what could be improved or implemented. For now, the most important issues are (and I’m working on some of them already!):

I even made a “Project” on Github with the board containing the list of all such issues and their statuses!

Stay tuned and wait for the next updates of the Keyboard Navigator development!